课程介绍:International Trade Practice (Bilingual) covers the conclusion and implementation of international sale contracts with the guidance of widely adopted laws, rules and regulations. It thoroughly discusses business negotiation, commodity and its price, international transportation and insurance, international payment, and the prevention and settlement of disputes.The international sales contract of goods is the core of international merchandise trade. Through negotiation, the buyer and the seller determine their respective rights and obligations and write them in the contract as terms and conditions, such as name and quality, quantity, packaging, price, shipment, insurance, payment, inspection, claims, force majeure, arbitration, etc. The contract is an important legal document governing the business relationship between the two parties involved and instructing the implementation by both parties. Therefore, the study of rights and obligations embedded in the terms and conditions of the sales contract is the primary objective of this course.With an aim to improve your skills in analyzing and solving complicated problems, we adapt real-world cases to class topics, to which you are going to find solutions by learning and applying related knowledge.This course is suitable for college students who major in international trade, business and management. It is also suitable for anyone who has sound English communication skills and wants to work in the field of international trade and related businesses.《国际贸易实务(双语)》课程以国际货物贸易为对象,以国际惯例和法律为依据,联系我国对外贸易实践,具体介绍进国际货物买卖合同的磋商和订立、国际商品价格构成、国际货物运输与保险、国际结算、国际贸易争议的预防与解决等内容。国际货物买卖合同是国际货物贸易的核心。通过交易磋商的过程,买卖双方确定各方应该享有的权利和承担的义务,以合同条款和条件的形式予以体现,交易条件将被具体化为标的物的名称和质量、数量、包装、价格、交付货物的时间和地点、运输方式、保险、价款的支付、货物的检验、索赔、不可抗力、仲裁等内容。同时,合同条款也是买卖双方合同履行过程中的依据,是协调双方经济关系的重要法律文件。因此,研究合同中各项条款所体现的权利和义务关系是本课程最基本的内容。本课程强调学生或学员自身应用能力的提高。结合我国的对外贸易实践提取和精炼适合教学使用的案例,通过案例导入的形式引入相关知识点。在学习专业知识的同时,有意识地引导学生或学员提高分析、解决实际问题的能力。本课程适合国际贸易、商科和经济管理专业的本科生和专科生学习,也适合具有一定的英语语言沟通能力和经济学基础知识、希望从事外贸及相关领域工作的人员学习。