本课程共4集 翻译完 欢迎学习
课程介绍:AV5988466 AV5987715 AV6025713 AV6043439 https://github.com/3b1b/manim 先是看了up主@Solara570 AV5988466 AV5987715 AV6025713 AV6043439 超喜欢 对数白超友善 最近在自学线性代数 但是只有前四话于是翻墙去youtube搬运了后面的六话和大家一起学习 是生肉 大家加油 原作者 @3Blue1Brown https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab
【第1集】Essence of linear algebra 译
【第2集】Verctors,what even are they? 译
【第3集】Linear transformation and matrices(上) 译
【第4集】Linear transformation and matrices(下) 译
【第5集】Matrix multiplication as composition | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 4 译
【第6集】Three-dimensional linear transformations | Essence of linear algebra, footnote 译
【第7集】The determinant | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 5 译
【第8集】Dot products and duality | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 7(上) 译
【第9集】Dot products and duality | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 7(下) 译