F3(Financial Accounting)
本课程共65集 翻译完 欢迎学习
课程介绍: 财务会计(F3 Financial Accounting)是会计学ACCA专业方向开设的一门必修的专业基础课, 是学习其他专业课程的入门课。适用对象为会计学ACCA专业本科生,没有先修课程的要求。F3财务会计是ACCA 的F阶段最重要的课程之一。 本课程由知名财经院校从事会计教学和研究的资深教师团队精心打造,用通俗易懂的语言和丰富生动的实例讲解财务会计的基本理论和方法。适合各级各类高等院校ACCA专业方向和其他涉外会计专业的学生学习。 F3课程主要包括八部分内容:A.解释财务报告的内容和目的;B.定义财务信息的特征; C. 使用复式记账和会计系统;D. 记录交易和事项;E. 编制试算平衡表;F. 编制基本的财务报表;G. 解读财务报表。 本课程在教学中更多地运用经济学或管理学的思维方式,帮助学员们理解经济业务的实质和会计处理的内在逻辑。
【第1集】1.1 Introduction of the course 译
【第2集】1.2 The purpose of financial reporting & Types of business entity 译
【第3集】1.3 Nature, principles and scope of financial reporting & Users’ and stakeholders’ needs 译
【第4集】1.4 The main elements of financial reports 译
【第5集】2.1The regulatory framework 译
【第6集】2.2 IAS and IFRS 译
【第7集】3.1The IASB’s Framework&Underlying assumptions 译
【第8集】3.2 The qualitative characteristics of finance information Ⅰ 译
【第9集】3.3 The qualitative characteristics of financial information Ⅱ 译
【第10集】4.1 The role of source documents 译
【第11集】4.2 Books of prime entry 译
【第12集】5.1 Double entry bookkeeping principles 译
【第13集】5.2 Identify the main types of ledger accounts 译
【第14集】5.3 Understand and apply the accounting equation 译
【第15集】5.4 Explain the uses of journals 译
【第16集】5.5 Recording transactions 译
【第17集】6.1 Identify the purpose of a trial balance 译
【第18集】6.2 Extract ledger balances into a trial balance 译
【第19集】7.1 Understand sales tax 译
【第20集】7.2 Calculate sales tax 译
【第21集】8.1 Scope and definition of inventory 译
【第22集】8.2 Cost of goods sold 译
【第23集】8.3 Identify the alternative methods of valuing inventory 译
【第24集】8.4 Identify the impact of inventory valuation methods on profit and asset 译
【第25集】9.1 Capital and revenue expenditure 译
【第26集】9.2 IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment 译
【第27集】9.3 Depreciation 译
【第28集】9.4 Revaluation of non-current assets 译
【第29集】9.5 Non-current asset disposals 译
【第30集】10.1 Intangible non-current assets 译
【第31集】10.2 Research and development costs 译
【第32集】11.1 Accruals and prepayments 译
【第33集】11.2 Accruals and prepayments adjustments 译
【第34集】12.1 Provisions、contingent liabilities and contingent assets 译
【第35集】12.2 Disclosure provisions and contingencies 译
【第36集】13.1 Bookkeeping entries for irrecoverable debts 译
【第37集】13.2 Bookkeeping entries for allowances for receivables 译
【第38集】14.1 The operation of control accounts 译
【第39集】14.2 Accounting for receivable and payable 译
【第40集】14.3 Prepare ledger control accounts 译
【第41集】15.1 Identify the main reasons for differences between cash book and bank statement 译
【第42集】15.2 Prepare bank reconciliation statements 译
【第43集】16.1 Identify the types of error 译
【第44集】16.2 Prepare journal entries to correct errors 译
【第45集】16.3 Understand and record entries in a suspense account 译
【第46集】17.1 Incomplete records(Ⅰ) 译
【第47集】17.2 Incomplete records(Ⅱ) 译
【第48集】17.3 Incomplete records(Ⅲ) 译
【第49集】18.1 Preparation of statement of financial position for sole trader 译
【第50集】18.2 Preparation of statement of profit or loss for sole trader 译
【第51集】19.1 Capital Structure of Limited Liability Company 译
【第52集】19.2 Reserves 译
【第53集】19.3 Bonus and rights issue 译
【第54集】20.1 Statements of financial position and statement of profit or loss 译
【第55集】20.2 Comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity 译
【第56集】20.3 Notes to the financial statements 译
【第57集】20.4 IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers 译
【第58集】21.1 Events after reporting period 译
【第59集】22.1 IAS 7 Statement of cash flows(Ⅰ) 译
【第60集】22.2 IAS 7 Statement of cash flows(Ⅱ) 译
【第61集】22.3 Preparing a statement of cash flows(Ⅰ) 译
【第62集】22.4 Preparing a statement of cash flows(Ⅱ) 译
【第63集】23.1 Interpretation of financial statements(Ⅰ) 译
【第64集】23.2 Interpretation of financial statements(Ⅱ) 译
【第65集】23.3 Interpretation of financial statements(Ⅲ) 译