本课程共58集 翻译完 欢迎学习
课程介绍:www.thegreatcourses.com 批判性写作
【第1集】Professor Bio 译
【第2集】How to Write about Anything(上) 译
【第3集】How to Write about Anything(中) 译
【第4集】How to Write about Anything(下) 译
【第5集】How to Be an Effective Reader(上) 译
【第6集】How to Be an Effective Reader(中) 译
【第7集】How to Be an Effective Reader(下) 译
【第8集】How Literature Can Help(上) 译
【第9集】How Literature Can Help(下) 译
【第10集】Shaping Your Voice(上) 译
【第11集】Shaping Your Voice(下) 译
【第12集】Knowing Your Reader(上) 译
【第13集】Knowing Your Reader(下) 译
【第14集】The Art of the Essay—How to Start(上) 译
【第15集】The Art of the Essay—How to Start(下) 译
【第16集】How to Organize an Argument(上) 译
【第17集】How to Organize an Argument(中) 译
【第18集】How to Organize an Argument(下) 译
【第19集】Supporting Your Argument(上) 译
【第20集】Supporting Your Argument(中) 译
【第21集】Supporting Your Argument(下) 译
【第22集】Finishing Strong(上) 译
【第23集】Finishing Strong(中) 译
【第24集】Finishing Strong(下) 译
【第25集】The Uses of Poetry(上) 译
【第26集】The Uses of Poetry(中) 译
【第27集】The Uses of Poetry(下) 译
【第28集】Poetic Diction and Syntax(上) 译
【第29集】Poetic Diction and Syntax(下) 译
【第30集】Drama—Writing Out Loud(上) 译
【第31集】Drama—Writing Out Loud(下) 译
【第32集】What You Can Learn from Autobiography(上) 译
【第33集】What You Can Learn from Autobiography(中) 译
【第34集】What You Can Learn from Autobiography(下) 译
【第35集】Writing and Leadership(上) 译
【第36集】Writing and Leadership(中) 译
【第37集】Writing and Leadership(下) 译
【第38集】The Rules of Rhetoric(上) 译
【第39集】The Rules of Rhetoric(中) 译
【第40集】The Rules of Rhetoric(下) 译
【第41集】Invention and Arrangement(上) 译
【第42集】Invention and Arrangement(下) 译
【第43集】Ethos and Pathos(上) 译
【第44集】Ethos and Pathos(中) 译
【第45集】Ethos and Pathos(下) 译
【第46集】Finding What You Need(上) 译
【第47集】Finding What You Need(中) 译
【第48集】Finding What You Need(下) 译
【第49集】Using What You Find(上) 译
【第50集】Using What You Find(下) 译
【第51集】Getting Started—Writing First Drafts(上) 译
【第52集】Getting Started—Writing First Drafts(中) 译
【第53集】Getting Started—Writing First Drafts(下) 译
【第54集】Editing—Finding What's Wrong(上) 译
【第55集】Editing—Finding What's Wrong(下) 译
【第56集】Rewriting—Fixing What's Wrong(上) 译
【第57集】Rewriting—Fixing What's Wrong(下) 译
【第58集】Avoiding Common Errors in Grammar and Usage(上) 译
【第59集】Avoiding Common Errors in Grammar and Usage(中) 译
【第60集】Avoiding Common Errors in Grammar and Usage(下) 译
【第61集】The Power of Words(上) 译
【第62集】The Power of Words(下) 译